Miranda Overton

Suggested by Pierre Alleur

Updated: Feb 25, 2020  

Norfolk, Virginia, USA. Woman in a lesbian relationship longs for a heterosexual experience and finally gets it from a serviceman. However, instead of thanking him for bearing a sexual experience with her, Miranda Overton rather accuses him of rape. In a rare move for justice, a federal case was opened against Miranda for the rape lie which should put her away for five years especially as it is not her first time making false rape claims. But, you bet, she's likely to get off as if nothing happened.

A brief background of this story.

Miranda Overton and her lesbian partner had allegedly flirted with the idea to find a male victim and use him for a threesome fantasy. However, her girlfriend was not as keen on the idea as she was. In her strong determination to experience a male, Miranda embarked on the heterosexual quest on her own. After fishing around on a dating app, she finally got lucky to catch a generous Navy seal. Flirting, sexting, romance, and sex followed. All said and done, instead of showing gratitude to the serviceman for his sacrifice, what happened next would only make sense if understood in 'lesbianic perspective.'

July 02, 2018. A day after a sexual encounter with the sailor, Miranda S. Overton took to Bon Secours DePaul Medical Center and reported to a Naval Criminal Investigation Service (NCIS) agent that she had been raped. She detailed the alleged penetration of her "vulva and anus without her consent" stating that she explicitly told the named serviceman that she "did not want to have sex with him." But when she entered his barracks room, she alleged, he ripped off her clothes, flung her in bed and sexually assaulted her while she repeatedly told him "no" and "stop"

As the alleged crime allegedly happened in a Navy barracks and by a serviceman allegedly in violation of the Navy Code of Ethics, a serious investigation was launched by NCIS. The accused man was interrogated, he admitted to having consensual sex with Miranda and provided his text communication with her. From the messages, investigators learned that Miranda Overton had proposed a threesome with the accused sailor and further made other sexually suggestive proposals prior to meeting the sailor on July 01, 2018. According to the investigators, Security footage from the elevator also showed Miranda Overton and the accused sailor kissing before they even got to his room.

December 18, 2018. With the shreds of exculpatory evidence, NCIS agents again interviewed Miranda Overton to get the truth, but she adamantly stuck to her lies clinging on to her easy-earned rape victimhood status. Investigators then decided to show her the evidence after which she jabbered before blaming her inconsistency on a lack of memory of the event, but refused to give up on her acclaimed sexual assault victimhood.

After all else had failed to put Miranda on the path of truth, Investigators revealed the big one to her, a similarly false sexual assault report she had made to police when she was a teenager, against another innocent man. Miranda Overton, seemingly on realizing that nothing hides under the sun, decided to come clean in a confession that she lied in both sexual assault reports. The motive for fabricating the most recent one, she claimed, was a fear of losing her relationship with the other woman. So, that's the excuse the fictim provided. But our experts have given us another clue related to man-hating dyke issues which should be addressed separately.

January 22, 2020. 21-year-old Miranda S. Overton of Chesapeake was charged with Making False Statement or False Representation, by the U.S. Attorney in Norfolk. See original court document here

February 25, 2020. fictim Miranda S. Overton pleaded guilty to making a false statement to NCIS investigators. She is expected to be sentenced in early June 2020. Under federal law, the recommended penalty for Miranda Overton's crime is five years in Federal Prison. But when it comes to sexual assault lies, the authorities almost never charge anyone with the crime let alone build a case against them. And when they do, as in this case, they almost always have a way to bend the rules in favor of the rape liar. Don't be surprised if Ms. Overton's guilt is dramatically overturned. Watch this space

Related Tags: norfolk, virginia, rape, sexual assault, chesapeake, lesbian, lgbtq, sexually unassailable

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